Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
The Relational Rub....been struggling in relationships lately?
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
There's been a deep work on relationship interaction lately and there's a reason for it. The Relational Rub is necessary for where you are heading.
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Why End of Effort? (Full Introduction)
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
This is an expanded explanation of what this site and podcast is all about.
Monday Jul 01, 2019
About Us
There is a way higher than egoic effort and hard work. Paddles Up is symbolic of putting our hands up in the air as an act of surrender and victory. Hands are used for many things pertaining to efforted action.
Paddles Up represents putting our hands in the air and dropping into the current of spirit, where effortlessness lives. It is called heart-centered consciousness.
Effortlessness is the way of the spirit and love wants to bring it to your life in every way possible. The only "requirement?" ...Surrender.
Provision of every form is found in the center of the heart. It has always been there. Humanity is just now awakening to that truth. Why wouldn't the very source of love want to give you good things without strings attached? That is the trillion-dollar question.
Why wouldn't God want to? The ego says, "Nah, that's ok! I've got it handled through hard work, sweat and toil!". So love waits...
Paddles Up is here to simply share the journey every step of the way to help others discover encouragement along the way.
Keeping our Paddles Up,
The Paddles Up Family
John & Amy Meyer