Monday Dec 12, 2022
Loyalty to a Fault Generation...by John & Amy Meyer
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Loyalty can be a good thing to a degree when it comes to love. But when that loyalty begins to dominate a life, it starts to suck the life out of the one who is loyal.
When we live our lives with unconditional love, we begin to lose the attachment that can take us further down the road of fake identity. Agape (Unconditional love) does not require us to give ourselves over to someone or something that will cause us to be controlled.
Listen in for more...
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Energetic Expansion Symptoms! By Amy Meyer
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
There’s a major energetic upgrade taking place in the earth right now, and we are feeling it in our bodies. Here’s some of the spiritual growth signs and suggestions of what to do.
Monday Dec 05, 2022
How to neutralize your circumstantial thoughts- by Amy Meyer
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Are you in a place or job where you don’t want to be? Disgruntled, but God says your right on track and is challenging you to manage your thoughts… Listen in, to a paddles up analogy He gave me, that just may help you!☝️😅
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Psychedelic Trips? Or Heart-Centered Bliss?...by John & Amy Meyer
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Portlanders stood in long lines recently to purchase Psychedelic Mushrooms for the hope of leaving reality to enter an altered one. The actual trip can lead to an "Egoic Dissolution" that can have either a horrifying effect? Or a temporary happy trip. The reality, however, is it's a temporary fix to an internal issue.
Listen in as Amy and I share was lasting "Ego Dissolution" is in God's eyes. There is a lasting solution that is found through a simple way of being.
Find out more on this episode.
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Unobtainable: The Trap of Perfectionism
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Perfection. Is it obtainable? Will it ever be enough? Where does it end? These are all questions we have either thought or lived ourselves. The problem with perfectionism is it's the ego's playground. And when it's birthed in ego, it will always beg for more.
The word "Perfect" is an interesting word. In the Bible, it actually means to be mature or Christlike. So in reality, the ego can never obtain this state. Only the heart can. And whose job is it to mature us? The Spirit of God, and that simply requires one "thing"....surrender.
Listen in for more Paddles Up palatable portions...
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Transcending your current situation inside the matrix...by John and Amy Meyer
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Saturday Nov 26, 2022
Ok, so you feel like you're stuck in your current situation with no way out. We've all been there more than once. It's natural to feel stuck when we live in a 3D world trying to survive. But did you know it's all an illusion? The ego tries to convince us that it's all real and we will be stuck in a dead-end job, a bad relationship, lack, or any other unpleasant situation for our entire lives.
It's time to transcend the matrix of hierarchy and enslavement. We can do this by shifting our internal energy and focus, one "step" at a time.
Listen in for more. This message is loaded :)
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
The Snowball Effect of following those prompts, by Amy Meyer
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Life under the mask...by John Meyer
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
I had a dream recently where I was sitting in a jump seat next to an influential leader of some kind. He leaned over to me, half chuckling, and said, "I have been listening to your messages, and I am now ready to put my mask on first".
I simply sat there taking it in and felt humbled that this person came to the conclusion themselves that taking care of the person in the mirror was top priority.
Sometimes we can serve and serve, yet neglect ourselves to the point of breakdown in many different facets of life.
Is life really all about serving everyone else but ourselves? Listen in for more.
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
The Dance: From 3D to 5D Awakening...by John and Amy Meyer
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
When we begin to awaken to the reality that humanity as a whole is ascending past the 3rd density construct, we soon realize the reasons why we see chaos in the earth. Whether we realize it or not, we are all awakening in some way or another.
Why? Because the God of love just can't help himself any longer. He is committed to his very image branded on the inside of every heart. Love loves to reveal itself in a myriad of ways, and we are now in a time where Love, with a capital L is making himself known in tangible ways.
Wherever you see pain, trial, chaos, and difficulty in an individual, it simply means it is coming to the surface to make room for love to replace it. Some people just do not realize this is what is happening. So, in order to try and find the relief they turn to violence or addiction.
The good news is we are collectively awakening to a new world that is filled with well-being.
Listen in to hear John and Amy explain the progression of awakening.
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Anxiety Rehab PT2...by John and Amy Meyer
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Part 2 of Anxiety Rehab. Please listen to PT1 first.
About Us
There is a way higher than egoic effort and hard work. Paddles Up is symbolic of putting our hands up in the air as an act of surrender and victory. Hands are used for many things pertaining to efforted action.
Paddles Up represents putting our hands in the air and dropping into the current of spirit, where effortlessness lives. It is called heart-centered consciousness.
Effortlessness is the way of the spirit and love wants to bring it to your life in every way possible. The only "requirement?" ...Surrender.
Provision of every form is found in the center of the heart. It has always been there. Humanity is just now awakening to that truth. Why wouldn't the very source of love want to give you good things without strings attached? That is the trillion-dollar question.
Why wouldn't God want to? The ego says, "Nah, that's ok! I've got it handled through hard work, sweat and toil!". So love waits...
Paddles Up is here to simply share the journey every step of the way to help others discover encouragement along the way.
Keeping our Paddles Up,
The Paddles Up Family
John & Amy Meyer