Wednesday May 11, 2022
The Power of Neutral PT1...by John and Amy Meyer
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Amy and I share about our love for car washes (I Know, kinda strange eh?) and the direct comparison they are with how the spiritual world works. When we shift the car into Neutral in order to hook up to the track, we are trusting the pull of the track to take us into the wash.
Just because we put the car into neutral doesn't mean it's not engaging. It's actually "surrendering" to the pull to move it. It's the same with spirituality. Going "neutral" in the spirit doesn't mean we are lazy and "coasting" through life. No, it's quite the opposite. The surrender to neutral is saying that we do trust the one pulling us forward.
There is so much to say about this....listen in for more.
Monday May 09, 2022
Freedom from the Bossy Mind...by John and Amy
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Our minds literally believe they are in charge. They think they are the boss of our lives. God never designed it to be that way. We've conditioned ourselves to believe that, but it's not what we were designed for. We were created to live in heart-centeredness where the heart/spirit leads.
Listen in for way to help overcome the bossy boss inside your head.
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Is fear, anxiety, depression, and dispair messing with you? By Amy Meyer
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
I have some tools and new perspectives from The Lord, that may help you overcome! Listen in on my latest podcast and daily awakenings.🙋♀️💓-Amy
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Daily Awakenings: Ascending Effortlessly.Awareness is the key to flow.
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Religion and society teach us to believe that to obtain anything good there has to be some kind of effort attached. To see miracles and supernatural things we have to follow some kind of formula and be "good" enough to see them start to happen. We have come to the awareness ourselves to know that it doesn't work that way.
To ascend is to let go like the sandbags being cut loose from the hot air balloon in order for the balloon to rise. The heat that fills the center of the balloon is much like the challenges we go through in our daily lives. When we meditate in the morning we become aware of the "heat" surrounding us throughout the day and we begin to embrace the fruit that is produced through the adverse situation. This in turn causes us to ascend and expand into Christ consciousness. Therefore, "filling" our "balloon" for the world to experience the fullness of Christ in us.
Listen in for more....
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Relationships: whatever you point out you activate & elevate
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sometimes we think it's better to wander outside of our niche' because it's not producing the results we are hoping for in the time frame we want. We do things like, MLM, pitching other people's products, working jobs that are way out of alignment with who we really are, and hustling to make a few bucks.
However, because we are misaligned in doing something outside of our flow, everyone around us can see we are out of alignment. The good news is there is more than enough creativity and abundance hovering around us the moment we engage the joy of our alignment again.
Blockages happen when we believe we have to hustle to get money. Actually, it doesn't even come to us that way.
Listen in for more....
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
There's a misconception when it comes to waiting for something to happen. We are made of energy (spirit) and we are emitting something energetical all the time. We can offer resistance to what we want or we can allow it to come through receiving.
Learn what to do while you are "waiting" in this message from John and Amy.
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Defending the Bible versus embracing The Word himself...by John and Amy Meyer
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
The urge to defend the truth found in the written Bible is very real. Been there done that. But then I learned (the hard way) that both scripture and God do not need defending. Why? Because we have a greater "level" of truth living and moving on the inside of us in Spirit form; Christ in us. He is a Person, not a book. The book, as great as it is is not THE Person.
Once we fully embrace the Person, he confirms what has been written. And what was written was inspired by the same Spirit, only through a paradigm the translators were operating in. In other words, man can only interpret what they know to be true at the time, place, and understanding level they were living in.
Listen in for more....
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Are you efforting to try and make something happen? ...by John and Amy Meyer
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Amy and John share from their morning "revelations".
Often times the only thing we know how to do is work hard to make something happen. It is called "Conditioning" and we all suffer from its effects. However, there is a higher way. It is found in creativity inside the Tree of Life. That Tree is inside of you just waiting to be engaged and released.
Listen in for more...
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Returning to your real self. The Great Awakening.
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
More times than not, we hear from the Church that we are either on the cusp of another "Great Awakening" or we are contending for a future one. But what if God is doing something entirely new? What if the "Awakening" is something different? What if "The Great Awakening" today is waking up to the innocence of who we were before we got conditioned by others?
Listen in as Amy and I share our hearts about this important topic.
About Us
There is a way higher than egoic effort and hard work. Paddles Up is symbolic of putting our hands up in the air as an act of surrender and victory. Hands are used for many things pertaining to efforted action.
Paddles Up represents putting our hands in the air and dropping into the current of spirit, where effortlessness lives. It is called heart-centered consciousness.
Effortlessness is the way of the spirit and love wants to bring it to your life in every way possible. The only "requirement?" ...Surrender.
Provision of every form is found in the center of the heart. It has always been there. Humanity is just now awakening to that truth. Why wouldn't the very source of love want to give you good things without strings attached? That is the trillion-dollar question.
Why wouldn't God want to? The ego says, "Nah, that's ok! I've got it handled through hard work, sweat and toil!". So love waits...
Paddles Up is here to simply share the journey every step of the way to help others discover encouragement along the way.
Keeping our Paddles Up,
The Paddles Up Family
John & Amy Meyer